Foundation Helical Pier Systems
Like push piers, helical piers are attached to the foundation by mounting
a bracket. Helical piers include rotating blades that are advanced into
the soil.
Foundation helical piers are straight, steel piers that have helical
blades welded to each shaft. This installation is possible from either
inside or outside of your foundation.
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These piers are driven into the soils underneath your foundation, then each pier is connected to the structure's foundation via a steel bracket.
During the installation, a section of the footing is exposed and cut for each bracket.
Next, round-shaft helical piers are mechanically advanced into the soil.
Once the helical pier has been advanced into the soil, a foundation bracket is secured to the footing.
When all helical piers have been installed, the piers will work in unison to transfer the weight of the structure to competent soil. If possible, the structure is also lifted back to a level position.